January 15, 2011

Christina Hendricks Show Off In Playboy Magazine

I'm never like reading playboy magazine, cause I think it's too vulgar. The funny thing is even Playboy Magazine classified as p0rn magazine, the founder Hugh Hefner refused to admit it and said that Playboy is "art magazine". OK seriously, what art part from playboy magazine? its pure p0rn.

In my country Indonesia, the publisher of Indonesia Playboy Magazine had been jailed because broke the law. He accused doing some peoples called "immoral crime". well to be honest I'm disagree with this because I think the publisher just implemented freedom of expression. Indonesia is democracy country so he has right to doing what he want as long doesn't broke the law and harms other peoples.

OK, let stop talking about playboy in my country. Here some new released American Playboy. Christina Hendricks, the sexy actress show off. she explored her beautiful body(but pale too). The concept of the photo spread is American vintage. It's sexy but I have to said it's scary too, she's look like scary doll or undead person. And I have no idea, what the clown have to do with playboy, he looks scary when he laugh.

And the guy, Hmm what he doing in playboy? do you think his sexiness beat Hendricks pale skin. The tanned men seems will get more attention than Christina Hendricks. I wonder why he's used so many tan spray, it's just make his not a Caucasian. Anyway good job for Christina Hendricks, I hope her career better soon.
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